Simplify and speed up your process with AI!

The use of AI – artificial intelligence has streamlined the handling of incoming supplier invoices significately. It’s fast and easy to get started and it doesn’t require a third-party integration.

The process of handling invoices today is to some extent automated, with the help of reconciliations and rules. But there is a challenge with the invoices that do not have an order, rule or contract attached to them. These invoices often end up outside of the authentication and needs to be handled manually. One of the most important tasks when it comes to AI in this context is to automate also these invoices that fall outside the scope of traditional automation of supplier invoices. In this customer webinar we will cover how to handle these invoices in Rillion One with AI.

The webinar:

  • How does financial administration benefit from the use of AI?
  • What potential does AI have for different types of businesses?
  • What are the features of the AI function in Rillion One?

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Sofie Rönngård

The webinar is hosted by:
Sofie Rönngård, Product Marketing Manager at Rillion