Touhula is a private daycare chain that provides high-quality pre-school education in 117 locations throughout Finland. Touhula wanted to reduce the time spent by daycare managers and support services on processing PO invoices, as well as free up accounts payable resources for more qualified tasks.

Automation of vendor invoices

Mike Larsén, Chief Information Officer at Touhula, explains:

“Our goal was the automation of invoices, better integrations, and reducing routine tasks. Rillion (formerly Palette) met our expectations excellently, as we succeeded in all targeted areas.”

Time spent on invoice processing at Touhula was halved with Rillion’s help

Touhula’s previous invoice processing solution was reaching the end of its lifecycle. The company wanted a modern and scalable system for automating invoices. Touhula was convinced by Rillion’s solutions and chose it as their new system.

“We were convinced that Rillion was the best option to meet our needs. We believe that it will continue to evolve as a system in the future because Rillion, as a service provider, focuses solely on the invoice processing system,” says Larsén.

Several stages of Touhula’s invoice processing could be automated. After implementing Rillion, Touhula’s experts no longer need to go through and approve each invoice individually. Instead, invoices are automatically processed for payment according to predefined conditions.

This significantly facilitates the work of daycare managers, invoice reviewers, and approvers.

Customer Information


Touhula – The second-largest private daycare chain in Finland


Daycare services



Business System






Process automated with Rillion

Vendor invoice processing

“With Rillion, we already save half of the time spent every month on invoice processing. All the time saved by automating routine tasks is directly beneficial to daycare management, educational work, and administrative tasks.”

Seamless collaboration ensured the best possible outcome

According to Larsén, the collaboration between Rillion and Touhula went excellently. Despite advancing the project schedule by two weeks, the implementation was successfully completed according to the new timeline.

“The consultant from Rillion had excellent knowledge of the system! There was no question he couldn’t answer, or quickly find the answer to within his organization,” Larsén comments.

System specialists from Rillion helping customers optimize the AP software

Read another customer case

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