We are proud to share Tim’s story, our newest Rillionaire! He started his journey with us as an intern, and we’re thrilled he decided to stay with us.

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It’s a competitive market out there, for employers and employees alike, and at Rillion we really pride ourselves in hiring for attitude and training for skill. We hope to inspire more young professionals to follow their dream, and become a part of the exciting world of AP Automation!

From intern to Rillionaire

1. How did you find Rillion?

I encountered Rillion through a classmate that said that they might need some more interns for our second run of internships in school and since I really like working with him, I obviously jumped on the chance!

2. What did you do during your internship?

During my internship we were tasked with automating a procedure that was done manually three times a day and consumed time. We had free reign over how we wanted to do it and quickly decided on Azure since Rillion had plans to migrate the concerned procedures there and got to work! None of us had any experience in Azure but looked forward to the challenge. During the project we pivoted a few times but in the ended delivered a (nearly) complete app!

3. Why did you want to become a Rillionaire?

I come from a background in retail and was burned out before I turned my gaze towards the IT world. During my school time I had a great time and when I came to Rillion as an intern it felt even greater. They welcomed me with open arms and made a great effort to incorporate both me and my classmate in the daily business. To quote my favourite hit song from 2001; It was a superjeilezick!

4. What is your greatest tip to someone who is toying with the idea of a career as a Software Engineer?

If you get a kick out of problem solving, then this is definitely the right career for you because nothing beats the thrill of seeing your code work after hours spent on debugging!

A huge welcome to Tim!

Career in Software Engineering

If you’re curious about Rillion or a career in Software Engineering, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Talent Aquisition team . We are continuously looking for new talents to join our teams.


About the author

Lisa Komét | Demand Generation Specialist

Lisa is a valued part of the Marketing team at Rillion. Previously she worked as a recruiter in the Talent Aquisition team and has a bachelor’s in Rhetoric. She describes herself as a communications nerd and is driven, curious and loves working with people.

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