As controller, you might not be interested in what’s the latest in technology. Systems exist to support you work and you just want them to function effectively.

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Think about this before you invest in the ‘wrong’ system

As controller, you might not be interested in what’s the latest in technology. Systems exist to support you work and you just want them to function effectively.

However, a lot of changes are happening right now that it might be worth your knowing about.

In pace with companies having introduced IT systems, it’s been possible to reduce most of the manual, repetitive work in the accounts department. Instead, accounts departments have been able to spend more time on qualified tasks such as preparing decision documentation, analyses and providing valuable insights to the business.

Automation next?

We are rapidly moving towards an even higher degree of automation. For example, there is currently a great deal of talk about artificial intelligence and there is already evidence that a computer is better at “brain work” than people are.

This development means that the role of controllers is changing. Their role is less and less about carrying out processes and more and more about developing working methods in the accounts department. Technology permits working methods that were previously not feasible or even inconceivable.

But how can you make best use of these opportunities? And are there any pitfalls?

Overview in one report

We have developed an overview to make life easier for controllers. Download our free report, ‘The Digital Finance and Accounts Department of the Future’, containing:

  • What controllers need to know about ERP systems and how they can boost your efficiency
  • Opportunities and pitfalls when you are choosing or upgrading your system support
  • Three things to consider so you don’t invest in the ‘wrong’ solution

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