Automation Helps Manage Staff

Some commercial HVAC software can help your HVAC business hire and retain staff. That’s because automation reduces manual work and paper processes that get in the way of bringing on new people.

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Commercial HVACR software can help your HVAC business hire and retain staff. In this example we’re talking about vendor bill automation that takes care of vendor bill intake, management, and payment.

Automating the essential task of paying vendor bills works because once the system is setup, the task of administering it is easy to pass on to a new hire or other administrator in your company.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics HVACR jobs should increase by 5% between 2021 and 2031. They project about 40,000 job openings each year, many of which come from workers retiring.

How can automating paying vendor bills with HVAC software help you keep or hire the best people?

Increased efficiency

Reducing manual tasks like opening mail, data entry, approvals, and cutting checks allows you to do more of what you enjoy and do best.

Increased job satisfaction

Reducing manual processes creates happier employees which results in less turnover and less time finding and training replacements.

Improve visibility

With Rillion you can quickly catch potential late/lost payments and help eliminate duplicate payments. With less wasteful spending you can reinvest that into scaling your business/team.

Improved cash flow

With increased efficiency and visibility, you can have a more accurate view on cashflow. With more efficient processes you can negotiate better terms with your vendors, allowing you to invest that money in growing your business/staff.

Easier transfer of skills

If your admin person leaves you can transfer the automated system to a new hire – and avoid a the lengthy training period you get with paper based processes.

Explore Rillion
Automating your vendor bills with Rillion makes it easier to transfer tasks and take on new people. See for yourself how our tools can help with efficiency, job satisfaction, visibility, and cash flow. Learn more about easy vendor bill management here.