Dynamics 365 Accounts Payable Automation Software

Many organizations with Dynamics 365 are switching from handling accounts payable without automation because of the time and resources required to perform manual tasks.

For organizations that use Dynamics 365 as their primary financial accounting system, it’s good to know there is a robust AP automation solution that works seamlessly with your existing platform.

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Manually managing vendor invoices in any size company can be time-consuming and take a toll on your finance team.

Many organizations are switching from handling accounts payable without automation because of the time and resources required to perform manual tasks.

On the flip side, a fully automated accounts payable process will allow companies to save up to 60% or more on processing time. Also, deploying AP automation software has allowed companies to save money and reduce approval cycle times.

For organizations that use Dynamics 365 as their primary financial accounting system, it’s good to know there is a robust AP automation solution that works seamlessly with your existing platform.

Top reasons to automate Accounts Payable with Dynamics 365

Saves valuable resources

If you handle invoices manually, you’ll agree that it’s resource intensive, especially if you’re having to process larger volumes. According to reports from Sterling Commerce, organizations spend between $12 to $30 to process a single invoice manually.

But by simply automating the entire process, companies can now save between 40% to 60%. So assuming you spend $30 when you process invoices manually, switching to an AP automation software will reduce the cost to about $8 and $12.

Saves you time

While cutting costs is attractive to everyone, many organizations have also come to appreciate the time-saving benefits that come with automating AP. In terms of numbers, deploying a robust AP Automation solution will often cut processing and approval cycle times in half.

Grow without adding staff

Finance administrators appreciate not having to hire extra staff when accounts payable invoice volumes are growing. In every business cycle there are ups and downs, and automation can help to accommodate seasonal increases in supplier invoice volumes.

Important functions of Rillion’s  AP automation software

Automated invoice data capture: Both emailed and mailed invoices are processed by the system. That means finance administrators are relieved of manually keying invoices into Dynamics 365. The invoices show up in a central dashboard, ready to be processed.

Approval workflow: Invoices are sent to approvers using business rules that you dictate. You can eliminate email and spreadsheets, and reap the benefits of not losing invoices and avoiding late payments.

Searchable invoice archive: Search for both paid and current invoices in a searchable archive in the cloud. Go paperless and reduce the need for manual storage and hunting through account folders.

Automated three-way matching: Rillion’s AP automation software offers an automated PO matching engine that matches the invoice, the purchase order and the goods receipt. Purchase orders can have hundreds of lines and multiple pages.

Time-stamped audit trail: Audits and investigations are easier with a time-stamped invoice log and audit trail. Both internal and external parties can get access to audit information, especially useful when requests are time-sensitive or when finance administrators are away.

Getting Started with AP Automation for Dynamics 365

Organizations that want easy to use AP automation software that helps them go paperless, automates invoice capture and approval workflows, and reduces AP costs overall should consider Rillion.

When shopping for robust AP automation software, here’s what you should look for:

  • AP software that is designed to seamlessly integrate with Dynamics 365
  • The AP automation system should be easy to use and have high satisfaction ratings
  • The system should be modular so it can grow with your organization

For more information about AP Automation for Dynamics 365, we’ve got you covered:
Dynamics 365 Business Central
Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations