With Rillion AP Automation your company can easily automate and streamline work with your supplier invoices. You can easily approve your invoices from all types of devices – Mac, PC, smartphone or tablet.

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Rillion’s AP Automation is a streamlined system for managing supplier invoices that both cuts costs and creates more time for other things in your organization.

It is a digital solution that gives you easy access to the service both in, and outside, the office. You can log in and approve your invoices on your computer, tablet or smartphone wherever you are. This is good for companies that have their employees scattered in different locations or that have offices in different countries.

Quicker workflow and better control

Whether you today work entirely manually or use an electronic invoicing system, Rillion’s solution can give you even higher efficiency. The service removes the time consuming routine work by making the workflow more efficient from start to finish – from your vendor invoices coming in, to them being processed and registered in the ERP system.

You quickly get an overview and control of your entire workflow of invoices in Rillion. By setting up frameworks, Rillion Automation can create workflows that automatically assign an account and approve your recurring invoices. With custom profiles for different people in the company you easily create permissions and rules that give the right people access to accurate information.

This digital solution gives you better access to your important documents, thereby minimizing the risk that invoices are lost in the approval workflow and that payments are delayed.

Interpreting invoices in the cloud

With Rillion Capture, Rillion interprets the invoices without having to login to a separate interpretation software. The verification of the interpreted invoice occurs at the same time as you process the invoice in Rillion.

Your suppliers can send their invoices directly into Rillion via e-mail. This means that you do not have to open and handle invoices in the mail, enter them in the ERP system or search for them in folders.

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