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Here is the system that makes invoice processing easier than ever.
– Many companies lower their costs by up to 80 percent, says Christoffer Hartung, CEO of Centsoft.
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Many companies spend unnecessary time and money managing their supplier invoices. An inefficient way of working also increases the risk of errors and unnecessary costs due to late payment.
– In traditional systems, you have to open the mail, produce a copy of the invoice, send it to the correct authoriser who then forwards it to the Finance department. When this is done, the invoice must be booked again and then paid. This takes up a lot of time and is an inefficient way of working, says Christoffer Hartung, CEO of Centsoft.
His company has developed a unique way of handling supplier invoices that streamlines your company’s workflow considerably. The system, Centsoft Invoice, is used by over 10,000 people every day and is, to say the least, easy to use.
All invoices go to an e-mail address of your choice, which are then sent straight into the system. In the system, the Finance department has an overview of all suppliers and invoices that are to be processed and paid. Everything is integrated with your ERP system which makes the process even easier.
– It usually takes about two hours to learn how Centsoft Automation works for a company that handles 10,000 invoices per year, the interface is very simple and easy to use. Because Centsoft Invoice is web based you have access to the system everywhere and you can approve invoices on your computer, tablet the mobile. In addition, it is possible to automatically see which companies are able to send e-invoices, says Hartung.
The companies that choose to use Centsoft Automation usually notice the results immediately, with reduced costs of up to 80 percent. The reason is simple – orderliness, the staff spends less time on unnecessary paperwork and no invoices are lost.
– You will notice the difference from day one. The staff can immediately see that they save several hours every day, says Hartung.